BIBL 101 – Biblical Interpretation       
This course explores the principles and methods of Biblical interpretation, equipping students with the analytical skills to understand and interpret the rich and complex texts of the Bible within their historical, cultural, and theological contexts. Through in-depth study and critical analysis, students will gain a deeper understanding of how to engage with and interpret biblical passages, fostering a more comprehensive grasp of the scriptures' enduring significance.

BIBL 102 – The Life of Christ
This course explores the life, teachings, and historical context of Jesus Christ, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of His impact on religion, culture, and society. Through a combination of biblical study and historical analysis, students will gain insights into the significance of Christ's life and its enduring relevance.

BIBL 201 – Old Testament Survey
This course provides students with a comprehensive survey of the Old Testament, exploring its historical, cultural, and theological significance. Through critical analysis and interpretation, students will gain a deep understanding of the Old Testament's narratives and their enduring relevance in contemporary contexts.

BIBL 202 – New Testament Survey
This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the New Testament, examining its historical context, major themes, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Students will gain a deep understanding of the text and its relevance to contemporary Christian beliefs and practices.

BIBL 301 – Deuteronomy
This course explores the historical and theological significance of the Book of Deuteronomy within the context of the Old Testament, delving into its themes, laws, and ethical principles. Students will analyze the cultural and religious implications of Deuteronomy while gaining a deeper understanding of its enduring impact on Judeo-Christian traditions.

BIBL 302 – Acts
This course explores the historical and theological significance of the Book of Acts, delving into the early Christian church's formation and expansion, and analyzing its enduring impact on contemporary Christianity. Through critical examination of the text, students will gain insights into the dynamic characters, pivotal events, and enduring themes that shape the narrative of Acts.

BIBL 401 - Prison Epistles
This course explores the theological and literary aspects of the Prison Epistles, delving into the writings of the Apostle Paul during his imprisonment and examining their relevance to contemporary Christian thought and practice. Students will engage in in-depth textual analysis and critical discussions to better understand these significant New Testament letters.


BUSI 101 – Foundations of Business
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts that underpin the field of business, providing a comprehensive understanding of key topics such as economics, management, marketing, and ethics. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, students will develop a strong foundation for success in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

BUSI 102 – Business Ethics
This course explores the ethical principles and dilemmas faced in the world of business, emphasizing the development of moral reasoning and responsible decision-making within corporate environments. Students will examine real-world case studies to critically analyze ethical challenges and develop strategies for fostering ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility.

BUSI 201 – Marketing
This course explores the principles and strategies of modern marketing, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to analyze consumer behavior, develop marketing plans, and effectively promote products and services in today's dynamic business landscape. Through real-world case studies and practical exercises, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of marketing techniques and their application in diverse industries.

BUSI 202 – Business Communication
This course explores effective business communication strategies, emphasizing written and oral skills to convey information, ideas, and messages within various organizational contexts. Students will develop the ability to craft compelling messages, engage in professional correspondence, and deliver persuasive presentations essential for success in the business world.

BUSI 301 – Practical Church Business Administration
This course equips students with essential skills in practical church business administration, covering financial management, leadership principles, and organizational strategies tailored to the unique needs of religious institutions. Students will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively oversee the business aspects of churches and other religious organizations, ensuring their sustainable and ethical operation.

BUSI 302 – Accounting
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles and practices, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze financial data, prepare financial statements, and make informed business decisions. Through practical applications and case studies, students will gain proficiency in financial reporting and analysis, preparing them for a successful career in accounting and related fields.

BUSI 401 – Strategic Ministry
This course explores the principles and strategies essential for effective leadership and decision-making in the context of ministry, equipping students with the skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate impactful ministry initiatives. Through practical case studies and theological reflection, students will develop a holistic understanding of strategic ministry within diverse ministry and cultural settings.

BUSI 402 – Business Management
This course in Business Management equips students with essential skills and knowledge to excel in today's dynamic corporate landscape, covering topics such as leadership, strategic planning, and organizational effectiveness to prepare them for successful careers in business leadership and management. Students will comprehensively understand business operations and effective management strategies by combining theory and practical applications.


COMM 101 – Speech
This course explores the art of effective speech, emphasizing the development of communication skills, public speaking techniques, and persuasive rhetoric, equipping students with the tools to engage and influence diverse audiences in various contexts. Students will gain confidence and proficiency in delivering impactful speeches through practical exercises and critical analysis.

COMM 201 – Social Media
This course explores the dynamic landscape of social media, delving into its impact on society, communication, and marketing strategies. Students will examine the evolution of platforms, analyze user behaviors, and develop practical skills for effective social media management.

COMM 301 – Sermon Preparation
This course provides students with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective sermon preparation, equipping them with the tools to craft impactful and spiritually enriching messages for diverse congregations. Through a combination of biblical study, communication techniques, and practical exercises, students will develop the expertise needed to deliver compelling sermons that resonate with their audiences.


COUN 101 - Biblical Counseling
This course explores the principles and practices of Biblical Counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to provide spiritual guidance and support rooted in biblical wisdom. Through in-depth study and practical application, students will learn to apply biblical principles to address various personal and emotional challenges faced by individuals, fostering holistic well-being.

COUN 102 - Ethics in Counseling
This course explores the ethical principles and dilemmas faced by counselors, emphasizing the development of ethical decision-making skills within the context of counseling practice. Students will examine ethical codes and guidelines while engaging in case studies and discussions to navigate the complex ethical challenges encountered in the field of counseling.

COUN 201 - Marriage Counseling
This course explores the principles and techniques of marriage counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to navigate complex relationship dynamics and foster healthy marriages. Students will gain a deep understanding of various therapeutic approaches and practical strategies for helping couples build and maintain strong, fulfilling relationships.

COUN 202 - Family Counseling
This course explores the principles and techniques of family counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to support and guide individuals and families through various challenges. Students will comprehensively understand family dynamics, communication patterns, and therapeutic interventions to promote healthier relationships and resilience within families.

COUN 301 - Counseling Life Issues
This course explores the principles and techniques of counseling to address a wide range of life issues, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective guidance and support in diverse personal and professional contexts. Through theoretical study and practical application, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of counseling practices to assist individuals in overcoming challenges and achieving personal growth.

COUN 302 - Grief and Trauma Counseling
This course explores the principles and techniques of grief and trauma counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to support individuals coping with loss and traumatic experiences. Students will learn how to facilitate healing and resilience in those facing grief and trauma through a blend of theoretical frameworks and practical interventions.

COUN 401 - Conflict Resolution
This course explores the principles and strategies of conflict resolution, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and mediate conflicts in various personal and professional contexts. Through theoretical frameworks and practical exercises, students will develop effective communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution techniques.

COUN 402 - Counseling Victims of Abuse
This course explores the principles and techniques of counseling to empower students with the skills needed to support and assist victims of abuse, addressing their emotional and psychological needs. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will learn how to provide compassionate guidance and foster healing for individuals affected by various forms of abuse.


ENGL 101 – Reading
This course is a fundamental cornerstone of your academic path, emphasizing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, literary genres, active listening, and proficient note-taking. Through this course, students delve into language and literature, arming themselves with the skills needed for critical thinking, persuasive communication, and a lasting admiration for reading classic works.

ENGL 201 – Writing
This course explores the structure and crafting of diverse written communication formats with a special emphasis on those essential for ministry, encompassing tweets, blog posts, book reviews, sermon outlines, emails, journal articles, and academic papers. Students will gain proficiency in these crucial forms of written expression.


HIST 101 - Ancient Civilizations
This course explores the rich tapestry of ancient civilizations, delving into their histories, cultures, and contributions to human development, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the ancient world. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will analyze the political, social, and economic structures of civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, gaining valuable insights into the roots of modern society.

HIST 201 - Modern Civilizations
This course explores the dynamic evolution of modern civilizations, examining their historical trajectories, cultural transformations, and global impacts. Students will critically analyze key events, ideologies, and societal changes that have shaped the contemporary world, gaining insights into the complex interplay of politics, economics, and culture in the modern era.

HIST 301 - Church History
This course explores the rich tapestry of Church History, tracing the evolution of Christian traditions, doctrines, and institutions from their origins to contemporary global expressions, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the development and impact of Christianity throughout time. Through critical analysis and examination of key historical events and figures, students will gain insights into the enduring influence of the Church on culture, society, and religious thought.


HLTH 301 - Health Education Science
This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices necessary to promote public health and wellness, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to educate individuals and communities on health-related topics. Through a blend of theoretical foundations and practical applications, students will explore strategies for fostering healthy behaviors and addressing contemporary health challenges.


MATH 201 – Statistics
This course explores the practical applications of statistics in real-life scenarios, equipping students with essential data analysis skills to make informed decisions in various fields. Through hands-on projects and case studies, students will learn how to extract valuable insights from data and apply statistical concepts to solve real-world problems.


MIN 101 - The Life of the Minister
This course explores the essential aspects of ministerial life, emphasizing character development and spiritual growth as disciples of Jesus. Students will delve into topics such as personal devotions, family dynamics, recreation, and effective time management while also gaining practical skills in conducting ceremonies like weddings, funerals, and baptisms and engaging in pastoral responsibilities such as serving communion, ministering to the sick, and conducting hospital and home visitations.

MIN 102 – Prayer
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the deeply transformative practice of prayer within the Christian ministry context. Throughout this course, participants will gain a robust foundation in both the theological underpinnings and the practical applications of prayer, equipping them to engage with this sacred practice with depth and purpose in their Christian journey and ministry endeavors.

MIN 201 – Leadership
This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the deeply transformative practice of prayer within the Christian ministry context. Throughout this course, participants will gain a robust foundation in both the theological underpinnings and the practical applications of prayer, equipping them to engage with this sacred practice with depth and purpose in their Christian journey and ministry endeavors.

MIN 202 - Evangelism and Outreach
This course explores evangelism and outreach principles and practical strategies, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to share their faith and engage with diverse communities effectively. Through in-depth discussions and hands-on experiences, students will develop a holistic understanding of evangelism's role in contemporary Christian ministry.

MIN 301 – Missions
This course explores the principles, practices, and challenges of global missions, equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of cross-cultural outreach and its significance in contemporary religious contexts. Through a blend of theological insights and practical experiences, students will develop the skills and knowledge needed to engage effectively in missionary work.

MIN 302 - Group Dynamics
This course explores the dynamics of small groups within a ministry context, delving into the intricacies of teamwork, communication, and leadership to equip students with the skills needed to foster effective collaboration and community-building in ministry settings. Through a combination of theoretical insights and practical exercises, students will gain a deeper understanding of how group dynamics impact the success of ministries and develop strategies for facilitating positive group interactions.

MIN 401 – Discipleship
This course explores the principles and practices of Christian discipleship, delving into the theological foundations and practical applications of following Jesus in contemporary contexts. Through in-depth study and reflection, students will develop a deeper understanding of discipleship's significance in their personal faith journey and ministry endeavors.

MIN 402 – Worship
This course explores the historical, cultural, and theological dimensions of worship practices, equipping students with a deep understanding of the role of worship in various religious traditions and its significance in fostering spiritual communities. Through a combination of theoretical study and practical engagement, students will gain insights into the art and theology of worship, preparing them for meaningful participation in worship leadership and ministry contexts.


MISS 101 - Practical Issues in Missions 1
This course explores the practical challenges missionaries encounter, addressing issues such as calling, interpersonal relationships, cultural adjustment, homesickness, encountering obstacles, and more. It equips students with valuable insights and strategies to navigate these real-life mission field challenges effectively.

MISS 102 - Practical Issues in Missions 2
This course explores advanced practical challenges encountered in missions, such as cultural adaptation, language barriers, healthcare, safety, logistics, and infrastructure, providing students with essential skills and knowledge for effective mission field service.

MISS 201 - Missions in the Book of Acts 1
This course delves deeply into the first half of the Book of Acts, emphasizing the central role of mission ministry in the early Christian church, and meticulously studies Acts chapters 1 through 14 to offer students a comprehensive grasp of the profound significance of missions and evangelism in the early Christian community.

MISS 202 – Missions in the Book of Acts 2
This course further explores the biblical narrative of Acts 15-28, considering how the early church embraced its divine mandate to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. By comprehensively examining the text and its historical context, students will uncover the timeless lessons and principles that continue to shape Christian missions today.

MISS 301 - World Perspectives
This course examines the biblical foundations of community development and the diverse roles Christians play in driving development initiatives within the Majority World, offering a comprehensive exploration of both personal and systemic engagement. Students will gain theological insight and practical expertise, empowering them to effect meaningful change on a global scale.

MISS 302 - Cross-Cultural Principles
This course delves into effective discipleship and church planting within diverse multicultural and cross-cultural environments, encompassing urban, rural, and tribal settings. Students will gain insights into essential principles and strategies to excel in evangelism and successfully establish churches, even in challenging religious landscapes.

MISS 401 - Missions Anthropology
This course explores the foundational aspects of culture, including social structures, group dynamics, and mechanisms of social transformation, providing a critical foundation for intercultural comprehension and effective communication. Special emphasis is placed on addressing the challenges and opportunities faced by cross-cultural practitioners in their mission work.

MISS 402 - Short-Term Trips
This course equips students with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to effectively plan short-term mission trips, covering topics such as financial preparation, logistical planning, collaborating with missionaries, cultural understanding, and maintaining a clear mission focus,


PHIL 101 – Ethics
This course explores fundamental moral principles and ethical considerations vital for aspiring ministers and Christian leaders. Through a comprehensive examination, students will acquire profound insights into the multifaceted ethical challenges routinely faced by ministers, enabling them to navigate these intricate issues with unwavering integrity and discernment.

PHIL 301 - Critical Thinking
This course offers students a valuable opportunity to navigate the overwhelming influx of information, opinions, and arguments in the digital age. Through a structured curriculum, students will develop essential critical thinking skills, enabling them to discern logical structures within complex content and effectively identify and expose fallacies in various forms of discourse.

PHIL 401 – Apologetics
This course provides students with an in-depth exploration of apologetics, offering a thorough grasp of how to defend the Christian faith's core principles and navigate present-day inquiries and opposition effectively. Through rigorous examination, students will gain a robust foundation in philosophical, theological, and practical perspectives, empowering them to engage with the broad spectrum of challenges and critiques encountered by Christians in today's society.


PHSC 201 - Physical Science
This course explores fundamental principles of psychology within a biblical framework, delving into diverse perspectives on both constructive and detrimental aspects of human nature. Emphasizing the relevance to ministry, it also examines human growth and development dynamics.


PSY 101 – Psychology
This course explores fundamental principles of psychology within a biblical framework, delving into diverse perspectives on both constructive and detrimental aspects of human nature. Emphasizing the relevance to ministry, it also examines human growth and development dynamics.

SOC 201 – Sociology
This course delves into social and relational psychological theories, exploring both societal challenges and potential solutions. Emphasizing the church's role as a conduit for God's redemptive grace in Christ, students will examine how these theories intersect with spiritual and moral contexts.


TECH 301 - Digital Technology for Ministry
This course explores diverse technology and media tools essential for effective ministry, addressing practical aspects of hardware, software, and online resources. Emphasis is placed on making these technological resources financially viable for church communities.


THEO 301 - Theology 1
This course comprehensively considers Christian systematic theology, inviting students to embark on a thought-provoking journey that delves deep into the heart of theological study. Through this holistic exploration, students will understand the interconnected nature of theological concepts and their significance within the broader Christian thought and belief context.

THEO 401 - Theology 2
This course offers students a comprehensive exploration of critical theological doctrines. It delves deep into the rich tapestry of biblical teachings concerning salvation, the church, and the future. Throughout the course, students will gain a profound understanding of these essential aspects of theology, tracing their origins in biblical texts, examining their historical development, and exploring their contemporary relevance in the context of modern faith and society.


WORS 101 - Worship Basics
This course delves deeply into the biblical foundations of worship, helping students understand the profound and multifaceted world of worship within the context of the Christian faith and equips them with the skills to engage an audience effectively in worship.

WORS 102 - Building a Worship Team
This course comprehensively explores the essential elements of creating and nurturing a worship team dedicated to honoring God through heartfelt worship experiences. Students will learn the practical "nuts and bolts" of team formation, leadership, and spiritual growth, equipping them to build a ministry support system that enhances their worship endeavors and enriches their lives meaningfully.

WORS 201 - Creating Flow in Worship
This course equips students with the skills to construct engaging worship experiences, emphasizing the practicalities of crafting set lists and fostering creativity while maintaining authenticity in worship leadership. It emphasizes intentional planning and the art of directing worship to engage all participants effectively.

WORS 202 - Basic Music Theory
This course offers an engaging and comprehensive exploration of music theory, covering musical structure, notation, and ear training to equip students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to appreciate and create music confidently.

WORS 301 – Songwriting
This course is an exciting journey into the world of creative expression through music and lyrics. This course will delve deep into the fundamental aspects of songwriting, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to craft compelling and meaningful songs. Whether a budding songwriter, a worship leader, or simply someone with a passion for music, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the art and craft of songwriting.

WORS 302 - Worship Survey
This course explores the historical evolution of worship practices, revealing their profound influence on the Christian church's development. Students will journey through time to understand the origins and transformations of worship while also delving into the intricate world of worship music, tracing its evolution from ancient traditions to contemporary expressions that enrich the global worship experience.

WORS 401 - Creative Technology
This course delves into the dynamic realm of Creative Technology within the context of worship gatherings. Students will explore the diverse applications of technology, focusing on strategically incorporating various genres, designing sets that resonate with the message, and mastering the practical aspects of sound and lighting to elevate the worship experience to new levels of engagement and inspiration.

WORS 402 - Effective Vocals in Worship
This course will study the two sides of vocals in worship: 1) Practice and 2) Performance. The various styles of music and harmonies will be examined, as well as how to run a good vocal practice, choosing the proper harmonies to “fit” the song, singing, and worship in a worship gathering, blend, and “matching” what’s being played with what’s being sung.


YMIN 101 - Youth Ministry Foundations
This course explores the fundamental principles of youth ministry, equipping students to discern their personal mission, navigate authority dynamics, handle challenging situations, define their roles, and connect with the youth they are called to serve.

YMIN 102 - Speaking to Students
This course empowers students with essential tools and expertise to communicate effectively with the younger generation in ministry and education, emphasizing both practical and theological dimensions. It explores foundational principles and strategies to engage students practically and theologically soundly, addressing the pressing need for skilled communicators in our ever-evolving world.

YMIN 201 - Youth Culture
This course comprehensively explores the dynamic realm of youth culture, fostering a profound comprehension of its influences and their profound effects on adolescents' lives. It encourages students to delve beneath the surface, uncovering the core values, ideologies, and trends that mold the contemporary youth identity and experiences.

YMIN 202 - Youth Ministry Management
This course provides students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in youth ministry management, covering everything from time management and communication to meticulous planning, documentation, safety, and effective people systems. Students will learn how to successfully lead and oversee youth ministry programs through a blend of theory, real-world examples, and practical exercises.

YMIN 301 - Leadership Development
This course equips aspiring leaders with practical strategies for identifying and nurturing potential leaders within their ministry, focusing on essential qualities and techniques to empower individuals in serving God and guiding others effectively. Students will gain insights into selecting and fostering leadership potential, personal growth, and leadership excellence.

YMIN 302 - Youth Worship
This course explores the essential elements involved in establishing a strong youth ministry worship team, encompassing topics such as recruitment strategies, fostering a genuine passion for worship, nurturing creativity in team members, and cultivating a unified team spirit within the band.

YMIN 401 - Counseling Students in Crisis
This course explores various crises impacting students, equipping future youth ministers with practical strategies to offer support and guidance during challenging times. It fosters a profound understanding of emotional, spiritual, and social crises, empowering compassionate and effective helpers in today's fast-paced world.